Sunday, April 10, 2011

Family Update

I've been posting alot of activities and things we've been doing, so I thought I would update just family information. Nick started a new job with a consulting firm back in March and he's enjoying it much more than his last job. he also is back in school for his Doctorate degree through University of Phoenix- Hospital Administration. Emma is in the 1st grade, she loves gymnastics, riding her bike, playing with her brother. She is very creative and loves to play dress up and put on her own plays that she makes up. She will join the Star Bright players this summer for an acting camp, she also will get baptized this year, can you believe it, growing up too fast on me. Rick is in Miss Jenny's Pre-school and just loving it, it is at the home of his best bud in the world- Tyler. He loves riding his bike and playing any sport. He will play indoor soccer this summer through the YMCA and then play a regular season this fall. I am working at the Franklin Family YMCA as a wellness coach and also in family serivices. I really enjoy it, and gives me some freedom to do what I love to do. I am the soccer mom, taking the kids from one activity to another. I am an Activity Days leader in the church and love that calling and will be going to girls camp this summer as a ropes coarse leader :-) And I enjoy just speding time with my family and dates night with Nick. The last month has been busy, we enjoyed a week long spring break: We took the kids to their first round of golf (but only 9 holes), they had a lot of fun with that; we went swimming, went to jump zone, went to the TN state museum, and just hanging out with the family. The kids also got a new 4 wheeler to play on (an early easter present, couldn't pass up the deal). We have been truely blessed this year. Our family is happy and just enjoy each other.