Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Twilight Mom

Hello everyone, If you are a Twi-hard like me! Check out www.twilightmoms.com for everything twilight! There are also cool giveaways (currently Walls of Wisdom) and contests! so check them out!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm 29 (plus 1)

January 9th markd the 1st anniversary to my 29th birthday, wasn't really looking forward to this day at all, Nick is already taking turing 30 hard, and now its my turn, and he is giving me lots of crap for it too, lots of old jokes. But anyway, so Nick took me out to my fav italian place for lunch, Bucca De Bebbo- Yummy! and then we got ready for an 80's birthday party that my great friend Jenny Saville thru for me! Its was a lot of fun, and helped keep my mind off of a little number. Here is the fun we had, check out what I'm wearing! Were a crazy bunch!

Heres Jenny and her bottle of non-alcoholic wine!

I love you Jenny! Thanks so much!

My favorite cake: Strawberry short cake, isn't it beautiful,
Jenny slaved all day to make it for me!

We played a really fun game of The Price is Right with 80's merchandise
pricing, its really fun to see what was how much things were just 29 + 1 years ago.

Me and my Hottie of a husband!

Munni your making me blush, oh wait, that's just the hot pink blush I'm wearing!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years 2010

So this new years it was our turn to host, and wow, a lot of work too! I'm a little partied out, could use a bit of a break from hosting! anyways, my friend Munni helped out and she helped out big time- girl you rock! Adults only party, and it was hard to find sitters because the youth also had a dance that night, but we had a great turnout: Just see how much fun we had. The theme was ROCKBAND, and a couple people did dress up as thier favorite artist, so that was cool. We played a card game, guesstures and of coarse...Rockband, which is a lot of fun with a big group of people!

supergirl Munni and Me

Pink and Fergie

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a great Christmas this year! Kids got pretty much what they wanted and then some. We started off Christmas eve with making cookies for Santa, made a ham dinner and invited the Saville's over for dinner, went and saw some lights and then to bed. Emma got a new princess castle doll house, an easy bake oven, a new scooter, more art supplies, a hamster in a ball, and silly bands. Rick got a new bike, bumble bee action figure, disney cars, remote control dump truck, art supplies, a bounce ball, and books. I gave Nick tickets to the Predators game, a jersey to wear, a new watch, and clothes. Nick got me a new computer which is just awesome and so much more convenient, a bosu ball, an I-home, and a new hat. We also got some family gifts too: new furniture for the front room and Rock band which has been so much fun to play! We have been truly blessed this past year and are truly grateful for great friends and family for their love and support.

Rick and Emma sportin the new pajamas from Grandma Hamilton

Christmas Party

Dec 19th was the ward Christmas party and me and Nick were asked to participate, first we had to decorate a table and a theme to go along with the table. We decided on "What Christmas means to me" by Stevie Wonder and then we put on a Lindy Hop Dance routine to it. We had a lot of fun and Nick really came through on the footwork, he was awesome for the little prep time we had to do it. Here's Jenny and Tyler, the Saville's did: The Grinch, which was amazing and funny!
They have already dressed up as the grinch a few times for halloween and now Christmas,
I think they are finally done, but it was sooo cute.

The dance routine.

I love you Nick, you did amazing!

Christmas happenings...

On Dec. 19th Emma's Girl Scout troop went to the Chaffin Barn for Dinner Theatre. Emma loved the show, to my surprise, now she wants to see more, which is good since the girl wants to be a rock star one day!Here is Emma with the Cast

Me and Emma at our table

The Troop

Emma made this gingerbread house at school, isn't it AWESOME!

Aunt Holly came by for a short visit, Emma was super excited to see her and dressed up
in her halloween costume to show her.

Rick and Holly playin around!

Sisters....it was great to spend some time with her, she will be back towards the end of
January and spend more time.

Breakfast with Santa

On December 12th, we took the kids to have breakfast with Santa, they just loved it. Emma and Rick got to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas, Emma wants a drum set and Rick wants more cars! Our friends, the Savilles, were also there too! It was a great time!

Tyler and Rick with Santa