Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Luke 2:10-11

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

May the true spirit of this wonderful season be with you and your family as you celebrate our Saviors Birth. God Bless and have a Great New year!
Marcia, Nick, Emma, and Rick

Monday, December 21, 2009

Fun stuff...

Rick and Tyler and Pinkerton Park, they sure are the best of buds!Love to Ride Bikes

Emma loves to climb trees at Cenntenial Park
Just Love my kids. Cheesers
Train Rides at Opry Hotel

I love you Nick!
The Parthenon, is an exact replica of the real Parthenon located in
Cenntenial Park in downtown Nashville. This was really cool.

Here's Emma posing like the statue in the museum of the Parthenon.

The HUGE statue of a greek god,
The ole' Chattanooga express, Rick loved the big Choo Choo!
Me and my gal pal Jenny livin it up Indian Style on Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Time is Here!

Me and Rick on Thanksgiving

Me and Emma got to meet the rocketts

Watch out for those kicking legs!

New Moon!

On November 19th at midnight, me and the girls went to the midnight showing of New Moon, it was CRAZY! We first saw Twilight at Nine and then the Movie of the year and it was AWESOME! !!! The best part of the whole experience is being with the girls and acting silly, can't really do this around the husbands and get away with it! Just so much fun! and a very late night for all of us moms!
This is me and my home girl Munni

This is Steven Fiske (17) from my ward, isn't he a dead ringer to Edward!

And we just had to get a pic with him, he was his own celebrity this night, he had a long line of girls just wanting a picture with him!

Me and my gal pal Jenny!

Happy Birthday Nick!

Nick was hopin that his birthday would go unnoticed this year (he is now the number between 29 and 31- we don't talk about it!) but I can't do that! so we had a BBQ over at our good friends (who are now more like family!) house the Savilles. I love you Nick! Happy Birthday Love!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home

On Oct 1st, we moved into a home from our apt. We are loving it! 2800sf, 4 bedrooms 2 bonus rooms, backyard, deck, formal dining. Emma is still in the same school, and the kids just love having room! We have storage, ahh room, did I mention we have room! Lovin every minute of it!

More Halloween fun..

We had a lot going on for Halloween this year. We had a great ward party, Emma had fall fling at school and then there was Pumkinfest and then trick or treating. Needless to say, the kids are set for a while with candy!!!!
Emma on our porch as the cuttest tiger you ever did see!
Our little Nemo!

Trick or treating with friends! Rick loved trick or treating, he wanted to go and go,
Emma was the little quitter, she wanted to stop.
Pumpkin carving with dad.
Jump zone at pumpkin fest
Chewbacca at pumpkinfest

Me and Emma at her fall fling at school
Here she is and she scored the goal.
The Savilles (Cindy Lou Who, Max, and the Grinch) at ward party.Rick Trunk or Treating

Rick and Tyler at the Fish Pond
Emma at the fish pond.
Emma (ladybug) and her friends Victoria and Malia

For the trunk or treat, I tried to decorate our trunk to look like a cave.

Halloween Party

Me and my friend Kyla decided to throw a couples Halloween Party, we threw it at her house and had lots of laughs. We had a Candy Corn throwing contest, donut eating contest (yes, me and Nick won that one), costume contests, Trivia, Tragic Sam (guessing body parts game), and Chubby Pumpkin. It was a great time to spend with friends and have some laughs.
Here is the Candy Corn toss
Me, Jenny, and Kyla

Cindy Lou Who and the Grinch! Best costume ever! (aka: Jenny and Ben)
Here is Seth and Cassy, they are from Harry Potter?
Me and Nick as cave dwellers!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Rick's Birthday Continued...

On Sept 20th, Me and Jenny threw a combined birthday party for Rick and Tyler (since they are so close together) The theme: all the things little boys love. We had Elmo cake, Nemo pinata, Cars goodie bags, and Thomas the train twinkies. It was a lot of fun for those little boys. Emma was not able to attend, she was at home with dad with the flu.
Here are the 3 friends, Rick, Donovan and Tyler pushing their cars around. You
will never find Rick with out one of his cars in his hands, he loves to play with his
cars and even has a car in his hand at bedtime.
Jenny and Tyler and the gifts he got.

Rick opening up his gifts
Blowing out the candle.
Tyler got a good hit on Nemo
Rick in his birthday hat.

Thomas the train tweenkies that Rick helped me make.
Rick didn't like hitting Nemo too much.
Jenny made this Elmo cake, she did an awesome job, I couldn't have done it!