On Sept 20th, Me and Jenny threw a combined birthday party for Rick and Tyler (since they are so close together) The theme: all the things little boys love. We had Elmo cake, Nemo pinata, Cars goodie bags, and Thomas the train twinkies. It was a lot of fun for those little boys. Emma was not able to attend, she was at home with dad with the flu.
Here are the 3 friends, Rick, Donovan and Tyler pushing their cars around. You
will never find Rick with out one of his cars in his hands, he loves to play with his
cars and even has a car in his hand at bedtime.

Jenny and Tyler and the gifts he got.

Rick opening up his gifts

Blowing out the candle.

Tyler got a good hit on Nemo

Rick in his birthday hat.

Thomas the train tweenkies that Rick helped me make.

Rick didn't like hitting Nemo too much.

Jenny made this Elmo cake, she did an awesome job, I couldn't have done it!