He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant. He grew up in another village, where he worked in a carpenter shop until he was 30. Then, for three years, he was an itinerant preacher.He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family or owned a home. He didn't go to college. He never lived in a big city. He never traveled 200 miles from the place where he was born. He did none of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but himself.He was only 33 when the tide of public opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. One of them denied him. He was turned over to his enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. While he was dying, his executioners gambled for his garments, the only property he had on earth. When he was dead, he was laid in a borrowed grave, through the pity of a friend.Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today he is the central figure of the human race. I am well within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned--put together--have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that one, solitary life.
Remember the Reason for the Season. From our home to yours HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We'll be home for Christmas!
Hey Ya'll, Well it looks like we will be home for Christmas after all! Yes there is a Santa Claus! Nicks Job is sending him to Salt Lake and were coming with him and spending few extra days too! Nick flies in on Monday the 15th and I'll be flyin in on the 16th with the kids, we will be here until Christmas. I'm so excited to see everyone.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Well, I came out alive, went to the Premiere of "Twilight" last night with like 40 other ladies from my ward, crazy. Huge crowds and screams the entire time! But have to admit the movie was really good, chick flick, but good. Don't know if I could ever get Nick to see it, but we'll see. Now I'm starting to read the book, I know backwards, but I only just heard about it and my friend Shannon Hart talked me into going to the movie. Great to go to a movie, doesn't happen much with a toddler and when date night comes around, me and Nick would rather go do something else than a movie, so great to see the talkies! So go see Twilight!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Birthday Nick!
Happy Birthday to Nick, he's 29, wow, can you believe it~! and 6 years of marriage, time sure flies when your in love! It was the primary program in church today, Emma did sooo great! I got called to the CTR 5 class as the new teacher, Emma is excited, I'll be her teacher for the rest of the year. I also started a new seasonal part time job at Old Navy, might as well work there and get their awesome discount since I spend enough of the green there. Just a couple nights a week and weekends til after Christmas! I needed to get out of the house, getting a little bit of cabin fever, so this should be fun! Hopefully I'll be able to pick up a fitness class next year when their hiring, that'll be great! The Twilight craze is definatly in this ward and I've been sucked in the vortex of vampires, yes, I will be going with a bunch of ladies to see an early screening in Nashville on Thursday, wahooo!
Rick is just a little stud that can't sit still for nothin, he's gettin so big, his favorite word lately is "cool" and its the cutest thing when he says it. He just keeps me soo busy and I love it. Its great being a wife and mother, God has sure blessed me in so many ways. I'm glad to see that prop 8 in California passed! People need to let their voice be heard, the wicked never take a day off, why should we.
Stayin jiggy with it! Marcia
Rick is just a little stud that can't sit still for nothin, he's gettin so big, his favorite word lately is "cool" and its the cutest thing when he says it. He just keeps me soo busy and I love it. Its great being a wife and mother, God has sure blessed me in so many ways. I'm glad to see that prop 8 in California passed! People need to let their voice be heard, the wicked never take a day off, why should we.
Stayin jiggy with it! Marcia
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Picture This, Picture That!
Trick or Treating with friends!
The scariest family in town, pirates and witches, oh my!
Rick and His friend Tyler ridin on the 4 wheeler.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Star Struck
A really cool thing happened today! I was at the park for a birthday party for one of Emma's friends and James Marsden (Enchanted, 27 Dresses, X-Men) was there with his family, I got to meet him and I did get a picture which I will post soon. Thought it was totally cool!
Halloween was really great, Emma was a witch and then Cinderella, Rick was the cutest little pirate, Nick was a pirate as well, and I was a witch. We have so much candy- it'll last us til next halloween. Emma had a Carnival and parade at school. did I mention we have a boot load of candy, didn't really need to go trick or treating, but we did.
Don't know if we will actually come to Utah for Christmas, times are tough and don't think its gonna happen, we we love everyone and hopefully we'll be able to come visit soon. Please email us any updated pics or if you have blogs. I'm on facebook as well, trying to keep that updated as well. Well XOXOX everyone! TTYS
Halloween was really great, Emma was a witch and then Cinderella, Rick was the cutest little pirate, Nick was a pirate as well, and I was a witch. We have so much candy- it'll last us til next halloween. Emma had a Carnival and parade at school. did I mention we have a boot load of candy, didn't really need to go trick or treating, but we did.
Don't know if we will actually come to Utah for Christmas, times are tough and don't think its gonna happen, we we love everyone and hopefully we'll be able to come visit soon. Please email us any updated pics or if you have blogs. I'm on facebook as well, trying to keep that updated as well. Well XOXOX everyone! TTYS
Monday, October 20, 2008
Halloween Wishes
Since this is the time for goblins and bats,
Halloween spirtis, ghosts, and cats.
Weird happenings and witches brew,
Here are the things I wish for you.
May the only ghost that comes to stay,
Be the Holy Ghost to guide your way.
May the only spirit you choose to meet,
Be the Spirit of love and friends so sweet.
May the tricks that you are asked to do,
Be a trick to help you gain a friend or two.
Don't hide your spirit - Let it shine!
By treating friends to the gospel message divine.
There are my Halloween Wishes for you.
May the Lord Bless you in all that you do!
I love you all! Nick, Marcia, Emma, and Rick!
I hope to get more pics up soon, having a hard time getting them downloaded on the new camera, need to upgrade the computer, we are kickin it old school ya'll!
Halloween spirtis, ghosts, and cats.
Weird happenings and witches brew,
Here are the things I wish for you.
May the only ghost that comes to stay,
Be the Holy Ghost to guide your way.
May the only spirit you choose to meet,
Be the Spirit of love and friends so sweet.
May the tricks that you are asked to do,
Be a trick to help you gain a friend or two.
Don't hide your spirit - Let it shine!
By treating friends to the gospel message divine.
There are my Halloween Wishes for you.
May the Lord Bless you in all that you do!
I love you all! Nick, Marcia, Emma, and Rick!
I hope to get more pics up soon, having a hard time getting them downloaded on the new camera, need to upgrade the computer, we are kickin it old school ya'll!
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hello Family and Friends! Finally cathing my blog up, lots of things have happened. We flew into Nashville on the 27th of Aug. Its very beautiful here. We are settled in now, Emma is in Kindergarten and had a few rough times of adjustment, lots of changes for her, but loving school now, she has joined the girl scouts and getting back into gymnastics. Rick just turned 1, we went to Chuck E Cheese and he had a blast playing and eating, he is doing soo great, he is walking very well even running, he can clap his hands, waves, he's saying daddy, mama, ball, Emma, Nana (banana) and he has a couple of friends that he has play dates with. Our ward has been so great and welcoming to us. We've made friends and going out so it has made adjustments easier for our family. We played indoor soccer last saturday and I broke my big toe, so I have had more down time to get on the computer and finally update my blog! yeah! I'm okay, just can't walk very well, I really need to give myself time to heal! Nick is doing very well at work, and I'm so proud of him, he will be in Salt Lake on Monday & Tuesday for business, irony isn't it! Holly is coming to visit us in October and I'm so excited to see her and Cappy. Here is a pic of Franklin where we live. This is a trolley which is the buses here! pretty cool eh, I hope to get more pics downloaded soon! love to all!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Camping, graduation, vegas, and parties!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Pretty Princess!

Emma is turning 5 on Saturday! my little girl is growing up so fast! She also starts kindergarten this fall, wow can you believe it, I know right! She is having a princess party with her little friends where she will dress up as Ariel and then a big family party at Cherry Hill at 1pm. ALL Friends and Family Invited! pizza and cake will be served, free food (the magic words).
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hello family and friends, to anyone who is keeping count of how many times we have moved since we've been married almost 6 years ago, the dreaded pack up your belongings and get ready to move is once apon our family. While vacationing in Las Vegas (pics coming soon) Nick got the promotion he deserves and were moving to Franklin TN (near Nashville) where he will work at the corporate office. This is a great opportunity for Him and we are all very proud of him. I will keep everyone posted on when and where and all the fun stuff that comes from moving from state to state! I love you all! I really hope I don't pick up a southern accent, can't be worse than a utah accent!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
gettin to it!
Finally getting to it ya'll! Lots have happened. My digital camera and ipod were stolen by our babysitter and so I just got a new camera and hope to get pics downloaded soon! very sad! Me and Nick just had our 10 year high school reunion - what fun, it was great to see some old faces and finding out who is where and what they've been up to! great times. wow 10 yrs, lots have happened! Emma is in Gymnastics and loving every minute of it, Rick in now crawling like crazy and just about walking. Nick is up for a big promotion at work, so everyone cross your fingers and pray that he gets it! Were also going to St George and Las Vegas this weekend! can't wait, I'm so excited to go! FUN in the SUN! yeah baby! So I will get those pics downloaded as quick as I can! I love you all! quote of the day: When your past tries to dominate your thoughts, let your dreams ignite your day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
kiddie kandids!

All the Hamilton Grandkids finally together for a photo! This is a momentous occasion! This never happens! and this shot was as good as it was gonna get! too many kids to try and keep happy for a photo, we were insane! Happy MOTHERS DAY mom, this was for you, from Me, Heather, and Jay! We love you!
Rick and Emma, oh they are the cutest brother and sister, says ma! Couldn't believe I got a pic like this considering Emma had run herself into a tree right before and the kids weren't as cooperative

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
good day!
Hello Everyone!
Trying to do more of staying in contact with everyone!
The weather outside is depressing! where is the sun!
Trying to do more of staying in contact with everyone!
The weather outside is depressing! where is the sun!
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